Rochdale is the birthplace of The Co-Operative Group and the Rochdale Principles – set out by the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers  in 1844. These principles include: motivation and rewards, anti-discrimination, independence and of course, cooperation. We believe that working together with other organisations where our values align benefits everyone. We currently work with multiple organisations to deliver a wide spectrum of support to those who need it and are always seeking opportunities for new collaborations. Some of our current work includes:

Community and Family Health Living Well Partnership

Rochdale and District Mind and three other organisations joined together in early 2017 to form a partnership that delivers the community and family health Living Well service, with Rochdale and District Mind providing the lead on Five Ways to Wellbeing. This partnership will make it easier for people with long term conditions and multiple barriers to get the best possible support when and where they need it.

Outreach in Heywood

We are in partnership with Recovery Republic in Heywood, providing mental health and wellbeing support for local residents. This project has flourished over time and although funding has reduced over the last year it is still valued by residents and local agencies.

Mind in Greater Manchester

We are one of five local Minds in partnership that form “Mind in Greater Manchester”, ensuring people in the wider community experience better mental health. We support people to live well in their communities and at work and want to develop a strategy for the future of the partnership, building connections with mental health commissioners across Greater Manchester, supporting the development of joint work and assistance with funding.