Get urgent help
Rochdale and District Mind are here to support you, but we are not a crisis service. If you need urgent help, there are other people and organisations out there that can help you.
- GP Surgery
- Rochdale Urgent Care Centre (was the Accident and Emergency Dept).
A mental health professional worker will be on duty to arrange for a mental health assessment.
- Samaritans 116 123
The Samaritans provide confidential non-judgemental support, 24 hours a day, for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide.
- Non Emergency NHS Helpline 111
You should use this service if you urgently need medical help or advice, but it’s not life-threatening.
- Emergency Services 999
If you or somebody else is at risk due to a mental health crisis, you should ring for an ambulance or police.
- National Mind Information Line 0300 123 3393
The information line offers callers confidential help on a wide range of mental health issues. Calls from anywhere in the UK are charged at local call rates. Their website ( provides useful factsheets on various mental health issues which are downloadable for free.

Wellbeing Directory
Useful list of services & groups in Rochdale dedicated to helping our local community.
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Side by Side
Our online community where you can be yourself and know there's a safe place to listen.
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Information Line
Rochdale and District Mind operate a confidential mental health telephone information line.
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