Welcome to Open Young Minds

Open Young Minds is a free and confidential young person’s service. We provide support for young people aged 18-25 years old, who have mild to moderate emotional health issues and live in Heywood, Middleton or Rochdale.

As a community mental health service, we focus on providing you with the time to talk, express yourself and develop and grow the skills, knowledge, tools, and experiences to enable you to take control of your issues. This is done with the support of a Wellbeing Coordinator.

We believe it is vital to offer a specialist service for young people and young adults as this is often a transitionary period of life when people can struggle to cope. It can be that it is the first time you have ever spoken to someone about your issues or that you have come to us via other services.

Lots of young adults find adult services do not meet their needs – our service aims to bridge that gap and aid in the transition to adult services if and when the time is right for you.

We are ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) aware and are experienced in dealing with a range of traumas experienced in childhood and adulthood. We understand the impact of toxic stress and the many ways it can affect people. Our support is guided and led by you and your needs.

Whatever your circumstances, kindness, genuine care, and compassion are at the heart of everything we do.


What services do we offer?

Open Young Minds (18 – 25 years of age)

Our Wellbeing Coordinators work with young people aged 18 to 25 years of age. We invite you to complete the appropriate referral form, which will also give you access to our other services. We will chat with you about these at your appointments. We offer information, support, and education around emotional wellbeing issues to anyone who asks, no matter what their age.


Counselling (12-18 years of age)

We continue to provide one-to-one Counselling sessions with children and young people aged 12-18 years old. Our free counselling service provides a regular, confidential, safe, and private space for you to think and talk about the worries and problems you are experiencing – all at your own pace. You can have up to 8 weekly sessions.

For young people aged 12-16, we will ask for parental consent or permission to be provided. Referral to this service is via #Thrive, please contact #Thrive on 0161 716 2844.

How do you access our service?

To gain access to our services, please complete a referral form which you will find below.

online referral form

When we receive your completed form we will contact you (within 2 weeks) and invite you to meet with our Wellbeing Coordinator so we get a clear understanding of your circumstances and needs. Appointments can take place face to face at our Wellbeing Centre in Rochdale or over the phone.

Your Wellbeing Coordinator will guide you through the groups and activities we and other organisations have to offer. They will listen to you and help support you to find techniques and ideas that will benefit your wellbeing. 

To enquire further about the service or to find out if it is suitable for you, your loved one, or your client, please telephone our Infoline on:


Here’s some feedback we have received

From a GP

‘Thank you so much, it is wonderful that you have contacted all services involved and instigated a coordinated response for this patient. This is how mental health services should be. Thank you for going the extra mile.


From Our Open Young Minds Service Users

Over the past 2 years the Open Young Mind team at Rochdale and District Mind has gotten me through the hardest times of my life. Their service is a constant reminder that you are not alone. I have received the best care and valuable, unbiased advice which has helped me make the best changes in my life. I have nothing bad to say at all. Keep up the good work. It is greatly appreciated.


From the first day I came to Mind I have been welcomed with open arms. Everyone has been so kind and understanding towards me. My wellbeing co-ordinator has been amazing and really supportive. I literally have no bad feedback.


I really enjoyed my session today with my wellbeing co-ordinator, she has a way of helping me reflect on issues that have been troubling me. She helps me come to solutions or gives some sort of constructive advice which really helps. I always leave feeling much better and have some sort of goal or direction on how to improve myself and my issues. Highly recommend.


Thank you so much for calling and texting me. It has really helped and made me realise that I am slowly getting better.