Advocacy QPM Success for Rochdale and District Mind!

We are pleased to announce that our Advocacy Team here at Rochdale and District Mind have once again successfully completed the Quality Performance Mark (QPM) assessment process and have been awarded the Advocacy QPM award for the next three years!


The QPM award recognises and promotes excellence in the provision of independent advocacy and to be awarded this quality mark, our Advocacy Team have had to undergo a rigorous self-assessment process, followed by site visits and policy reviews. We are very proud of the hard work and commitment our advocates put in on a daily basis and are delighted that they have received the recognition they deserve! Congratulations Frank and Fiona!

Below are some direct quotes from our report provided by the assessor from the NDTi (National Development Team for Inclusion).


I was particularly impressed with the strong value base of the team in relation to the advocacy principles


All those we talked to during the assessment spoke highly of the advocacy service.


There was a strong sense of people feeling supported and empowered.

Posted on: 9th November 2022

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