Blue Monday Event

Blue Monday Wellbeing Event

On Monday 17th January we are joining together with Thinking Ahead to hold a wellbeing event at Rochdale Riverside (opposite Boots). The third Monday of January is known as Blue Monday and is thought to be the most depressing day of the year. 1  in 6 people will experience depression in their lifetime, it is a serious condition that can affect people on any day of the year, not just on Blue Monday.

There are of course certain things that may make people feel down at this time of year, such as post-Christmas financial strains, broken New Year’s resolutions, bad weather and short daylight hours.

We will be holding wellbeing stalls along with Thinking Ahead and providing information on how you can support your mental health and emotional wellbeing 365 days of the year. All are welcome to pop in and say hello and have a chat with our staff and volunteers and join in on one of our Rhythm Circle Sessions too!

The event is free to attend and there will be hot drinks on offer to keep us warm from the cold January weather!



If you would like to know any more information about the event please contact us on our infoline on 01706 752 338 or [email protected]


Posted on: 14th January 2022

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